My Calendar

Events in April 2019

  • It's a "Show & Tell" Meeting

    Category: General It's a "Show & Tell" Meeting

    April 2, 2019

    Members & friends -- Our monthly meeting in April will feature our springtime Show & Tell time! Bring a family heirloom, an antique item, a treasured keepsake, or an anecdote with a historical slant. Bring a friend!

    Society business will also be discussed.

  • Take Out the Trash Day

    Category: General Take Out the Trash Day

    April 7, 2019

    Hello, all! As you know, the township has opened the bidding for rehab work on the Martin Berry House. The work will begin soon enough. But before then, we need some help cleaning out the basement.

    Most of the work has been done. Most of the trash is already bagged and ready to go.

    We just need some volunteers to help carry those bags of trash to the curb. There will also be some junk that doesn't fit in bags that also needs removal.

    Also needed: A few volunteers to carry out wood and long lengths of lumber to the chicken coop for storage. They are not very heavy, but two people are needed for the long pieces.

    This should only take a few hours, and an hour or so of your time would be greatly appreciated. Weather permitting, we may also do some lawn cleanup... picking up dead branches and such.

    Dress appropriately. We will have work gloves, or you can bring your own. We hope to see you on Sunday, April 7 between 9 a.m. and noon. Thank you!